The Future’s For The Brave

Last Forever

Next Saturday, February 5th Molly Nilsson will be in London to play at BEHIND BARS. So far the line-up and exact location has still not been announced, but within a day of the party an info-line will be established to which one can call to find out the address. Entrance is £ 5 donation. We will post more details on the homepage in due time. In the meanwhile, enjoy this musicvideo Ernst Markus Stein made for Molly Nilsson’s Last Forever.


For those of you who are slowly but surely getting nervous about finding the perfect Christmas gift for your loved ones – DARK SKIES ASSOCIATION have the answer: Molly Nilsson’s Christmas Special 2010 is a limited edition Greatest Hits MC-compilation, entitled SILVER. Including 10 evergreens , but also 2 never before released songs. This release (wrapped up and ready to go) can be ordered via our Shop for 10 €, including shipping worldwide. (Note that this release will be available on cassette only).

Tracks: Silver, When Boys Don’t Call, 8000 days, We’re Never Coming Home, Won’t Somebody Take Me Out Tonight, Europa, More Certain than Death, In the Mood for a Tattoo, Last Forever, Truth, A Song They Won’t Be Playing on the Radio.

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