The Future’s For The Brave

The Middle Class Mixtape

Molly Nilsson has put together a mix for Le Musicassette called the Middle Class Mix.

1. Intro: Michael Jackson – « Black or White » video introduction
2. Liaisons D – « Heartbeat »
3. Jay-Z & Kanye West – « Murder To Excellence (instrumental) »
4. Jerry Seinfeld – (deals with a telephone salesman)
5. Overnight Sensation – « Geronimo »
6. Rockers Hi-Fi – « Push Push »
7. Mass Effect 3 Soundstrack – « Eden Prime » /
8. Dan Deacon and Liam Lynch – « Drinking out of cups »
9. Underworld – « Born Slippy »
10. Paris Angels – « Scope »
11. Doug Hream Blunt – « Gentle Persuation »
12. Mr Vegas – « Gallis Sassa Step »
13. Dr Alban – « Hello Africa (slow blow mix) »
14. John Cooper Clarke – « Twat »
15. Lawrence Gemmell – « Arts Graduate Song »
16. David Guetta featurings Sia – « Titanium »
17. PF Project – « Choose Life »
18. The Banned Self Hypnosis Video
19. Infinite – « Must Go to Heaven (Simon O’Shine Remix) »

Listen and download here.


After more than a year of slumber SILVER has awoken from a deep tape sleep. This Greatest Hits Compilation was originally released as a Christmas Special 2010, containing 10 evergreens from Molly Nilsson’s first 3 albums and also 2 previously unreleased tracks. This release is limited to an edition of 100 copies, all handnumbered by the artist herself (as always). When we first brought it out we had to spend long nights awake listening to the same tracks over and over again, drinking out of bottles, whilst recording over used cassettes purchased from thriftshops. Although this may sound like fun (we thought so too to begin with) it soon got tiring and the production was put on ice after only a dozen copies had been made.

Until now. Thanks to machines, located somewhere on the British Isles who did the work for us. This second round of SILVER is the same as the first in the regard of content and edition but since they are professionally recorded and printed they will actually play at the right speed. (This may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your approach to music as a commodity).  Please note that this release is made on cassette only.

Side A Silver, When Boys Don’t Call, 8000 days, The Lonely, We’re Never Coming Home, Won’t Somebody Take Me Out Tonight
Side B Europa, More Certain than Death, In the Mood for a Tattoo, Last Forever, Truth, A Song They Won’t Be Playing on the Radio.


Visit our online shop for more information and orders.


Ace cans and tapes in Newcastle.

This tonight.

Was it merely a coincidence that Shacklewell Arms where Molly Nilsson played a show last night is door to door with another Lighthouse Studios?

Death Is A Beautiful Car

Mixtape curated by Molly Nilsson for International Tapes, named after and inspired by the poem by Richard Brautigan.

1. Richard Brautigan – Death is a beautiful car parked only
2. Wale – Ambition (instrumental version)
3. Chris Rea – Thinking of You
4. Loredana Bertè – Non Sono Una Signora
5. Rihanna – Man Down
6. Mad Melon & Black Mountain – Sensimilla
7. Lecrea ft. Trip Lee – Jesus Muzik
8. Basutbudet – Efter två
9. FL Studio 10 – Uplifting Trance (YouTube channel: itsoktodance94)
10. Brennan Heart & Wildestylez – Lose My Mind
11. Moby – Go
12. Arvid Tuba – The seasons are sitting on chairs
13. DJ Hixxy- Music is my first love
14. Transa – Prophase
15. DJ Raaban – Anima Libera
16. Tracy Chapman – Fast Car (Paul Devastate Remix)

Listen to it here.

And the winner is…

Aleks Banner in Boston, MA who submitted this adorable photo of his stereo.Thank you everyone for sending us you pictures, drawing, and literal descriptions of your stereos. We wish we could make you all winners!

Win Your Signed Copy of History!

HISTORY Competition for everyone who does not know how to download
Torrents! Send us a photo of your stereo (if you do not own a camera we
will also accept drawings or literal descriptions, please note that a laptop does not count as a stereo) to before February 8th 2012 and have the chance to win a signed copy of the HISTORY CD and a T-shirt! Don’t forget to write your address. (If you do not own a CD-player we’ll do a pre-historic competition once the LP is out, hopefully by April). Good luck!

ps. This competition requires you have a computor with which you can
send and check e-mails. ds.

Molly Nilsson European HISTORY Tour

DARK SKIES ASSOCIATION are busy planning the shows in and around Europe for the next few months to which Molly Nilsson will bring and present her latest opus, HISTORY. This is Nilsson’s (so far) most extensive tour in Europe and brings her to many new and exciting places, as well as returning to old friends in familiar corners of the continent.

Among the countries confirmed and booked are U.K.(it will be good!), Spain (why haven’t we been there before?), Poland (always a pleasure!), Czech Republic (finally!) and more.

Visit our Events & Shows page or have a look at the facebook event for dates, venues and links.


For all of the autumn of 2011, the planet Jupiter has been in backwards motion in Taurus causing all kinds of bankruptcies and personal hardships. By the first day of 2012, the planet Jupiter will have been in forward motion a week, allowing most people to become more grounded financially.
For small independent record labels this could mean more shows for the signed artists (for example Molly Nilsson), which may even result in a European tour and later on in the year a US-tour. A wonderful time for all of humanity will be when Jupiter enters the sign of Gemini on June 6th and brings fantastic financial news for everybody but especially for communications, media and independent record labels. This will be a good time to release a new album.

Horoscope in 2012 has the DARK SKIES ASSOCIATION filled with activity on the home and the work front. Changes that began to occur in 2011 now require planned actions. Continue with important assignments, and conduct in a manner of caution and precision.
Focus on your close bonds and cherish them, as this is the best way to enhance the year.

Happy New Year!

Updated and improved website

DARK SKIES ASSOCIATION have finally gotten around to upgrade the homepage, thanks to KMVdesign. Among the new features, you’ll find this blog page where one can read the latest news and leave comments. Another new feature is the improved Online Shop, now with a shopping cart which enables one to buy more than one item at a time. Our Contact & Links page now also let’s visitors sign up for our SKY NEWS more easily than before. It’s still in development so don’t be shy to tell us if you run into problems or discover a bug.
Yours truly,

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